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Saturday, February 23, 2013

2012 Oscar Predictions

It's that time of year again, the Academy Awards are about to be given out. This year seems to be wide open in a few races (Best Picture being one of them) and somewhat cut & dried in a few others (Daniel Day Lewis, anyone?). For reference, here are the nominees:

I haven't seen all of the Best Picture nominees, I've only seen 4 out of the 9 nominees (and the 4 I saw are fantastic movies!) so I won't be ranking them like I have in years past. But I will get around to watching the rest. I won't let that stop me from making predictions in the biggest categories though:

- Best Picture: "Argo" (

This is one of the nominees that I've seen and I think it is a toss-up between this & "Lincoln", but I think "Argo" will prevail.

- Best Actor: Daniel Day Lewis for "Lincoln" (

This is a no-brainer...DDL BECAME Abraham Lincoln in this movie.

- Best Actress: Jennifer Lawrence for "Silver Linings Playbook" (

She's so awesome in this movie...and she's probably the best young actress in the business right now.

- Best Supporting Actor: Tommy Lee Jones for "Lincoln" (

This is a tough one, so I went with my own personal favorite performance (Alan Arkin in "Argo" being a close 2nd).

- Best Support Actress: Anne Hathaway for "Les Misérables" (

I haven't seen this movie yet, but apparently this is a slam dunk.

- Best Director: Steven Spielberg for "Lincoln" (

I am picking Spielberg only because Ben Affleck got robbed & didn't get nominated...again, this is also a tough one for me, so I am going with my personal favorite from the group of nominees.

So there you go! What are YOUR predictions? Oh wait, people have to read this before they can make predictions... 

I will be putting out a list of my favorite 2012 movies in the near future.

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