Reviews of Movies, TV shows & metro Detroit Restaurants

Short movie & TV show reviews and metro Detroit restaurant reviews

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Movies With 4.0-6.5 Stars

Working through my backlog of movies which is pretty big. Here are some of the movies that are at the bottom of the ratings from that backlog.

This movie is batshit crazy and NOT good!

4.0/10 stars

Not even close to as good as the first one.

6.0/10 stars

How to Talk to Girls at Parties (

6.0/10 stars

I didn't hate this version of The Grinch story, but it was just OK.

6.0/10 stars

Jennifer Lawrence needs to make better movies (see the first one on this list for even more evidence).

6.5/10 stars

6.5/10 stars

Ethan Hawke is great in this movie, but I didn't think it was as great as many critics, etc. thought.

6.5/10 stars

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